Madani Pendek 3
Lights Jitka Nemikinsová | 2023 | Czech Republic | 08:26 min | No dialogue | G Lightbulbs are throwing a...
Jitka Nemikinsová | 2023 | Czech Republic | 08:26 min | No dialogue | G
Lightbulbs are throwing a party for growing up flames to welcome them into the system that will let them shine and protect them. But one flame likes to play with fire and rebels against the system. Jitka Nemikinsová is a filmmaker from the Czech Republic who has a background in drawing and painting. Currently, she focuses on graphic design and illustration, continuously enhancing her skills in these areas. In 2020, her project Lights received an Animation Espresso Award (work in progress) at the Anifilm Festival. Filmography: 1938 (2018), which received support from the Czech television, Bait Bite (2018), That Escalated Quickly (2017) and Feel Leaf (2017).